Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (Department “Industrial and Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering and Foundation Engineering”, Professor)
Novocherkassk, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
This paper presents the results of the implementation of new operational monitoring systems. The issue of monitoring of water use is relevant as once especially in the south of Russia, having as significant water and using an annual average of no more than 2% of river flow, the Russian Federation in a number of regions deficient in water. The main reason for this — the extremely unequal distribution of water resources throughout the country that are not consistent with the needs of them, their very large temporal variability, especially in the southern regions of Russia. Existing methods of water conveyance structures survey aimed to assess the overall suitability of bearing structures of buildings for further use. In surveys, a number of questions to identify the nature of damage and defects, as well as forecasting of technical condition for a certain period of time.
waterworks, monitoring, water-conducting structures,the residual resource, water management, reliability parameters,technical condition.
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