Benefits of using steel-fiber-reinforced concrete for engineering of foundations and comparative results of cost calculation for materials and construction works are given.
steel fiber reinforced concrete, steel fiber, fiber, Hendix,foundation, foundation slab, dispersed reinforcement, construction.
1. Aminov Sh.Kh. Vodopropusknye truby dlya avtomobil´nykh dorog iz stalefibrobetona [Tekst] / Sh.Kh. Aminov [i dr.] //Stroitel´nye materialy. - 2003. - № 10. - S. 21-23.
2. Babkov V.V. Tekhnologicheskie vozmozhnosti povysheniya udarnoy vynoslivosti tsementnykh betonov [Tekst] /V.V. Babkov, V.N. Mokhov, M.B. Davletshin. Stroitel´nye materialy. - 2003. - № 10. - S. 19-20.
3. Talantova K.V. Issledovanie vliyaniya svoystv stal´nykh fibr na ekspluatatsionnye kharakteristiki stalefibrobetonnykh konstruktsiy [Tekst] / K.V. Talantova, N.M. Mikheev. Polzunovskiy vestnik. - 2011. - № 1. -C. 194-199.
4. ACI Committee 544, State-of-the-Art Report on Fiber Reinforced Concrete (ACI 544.1R-82), American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1982, 16 pp. Also, ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Part 5.
5. DAfStb-guideline „Stahlfaserbeton“ 03/2010 amendments and modifications to DIN 1045 and DIN EN 206-1.
6. DAfStb-guideline „Stahlfaserbeton“ 10/2013 amendments and modifications to EN1992-1-1 and EN 206-1 and DIN EN 13670.
7. Mandl J., Matsinen M. «Teräskuitubetonin käyttäminen kantavissa rakenteissa» - betoni 1/2014 Finland, p. 60-69.
8. ÖVBB-guideline „Faserbeton“ 07/2008.
9. SIA Recommendations 162/6, societé suisse des ingénieurs et des architectes, Edition 1999.