Volgograd, Vologda, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
BBK 308 Монтаж, эксплуатация, ремонт машин и промышленного оборудования
the article briefly describes the physical model of the mixed problem of the theory of elasticity and the theory of plasticity of the soil, identifies the features of its formulation and solution; formulas are presented for calculating stresses inside plastic regions and expressions that allow one to determine their position, dimensions and shape in the case of an elastoplastic stress distribution in a soil mass. A comparison is made of the results of experimental studies of the fracture processes of slope models from equivalent materials under loading, obtained independently by other authors, with the results of the analytical construction of plastic strain regions for the conditions of the mixed problem. It was established that the constructed areas are in satisfactory agreement with the results obtained in laboratory studies and with the results of field observations. The areas of plastic deformations for slope models of equivalent materials under breaking load are determined. The results of calculations of the stability of real natural slopes are presented, which include the calculation of stability margin coefficients and the construction of plastic regions for various values of the lateral pressure coefficient of soils. Stability calculations are performed and their results are presented for real soil massifs.
mixed problem of elasticity theory and soil plasticity theory, stress components in elastic and plastic areas, formulas for determining their size, position and shape, lateral pressure coefficient, stability margin, computer simulation of fracture processes of slope models from equivalent materials under their loading
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