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Abstract (English):
In the practice of modern construction, light concretes of low thermal conductivity are used as a heat-insulating layer of enclosing structures. In particular, they are used for warming flat roofs of buildings for various purposes. One of the effective methods of thermal insulation is the use of polystyrene concrete of low average density and thermal conductivity directly in construction conditions. Research has established a rational selection of the composition of this type of concrete for the installation of a monolithic heat-insulating layer, resource support for the technological process, including mechanization of work and qualification requirements for performers. Improvement of organizational and technological solutions for flat roofs based on the choice of rational parameters of technological processes and operations provides a reduction in labor intensity, duration and cost of work at the construction site. Comparison of technologies for the installation of roofing bases from deposited materials according to technical and economic parameters.

repair of soft roofs, thermal insulation from polystyrene concrete, technological parameters, roofing bases
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