Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Reliability coefficients on loading from a body weight of metal, concrete and soil are considered. The analysis of the evolution of safety factors for load from its own weight. Noted that the safety factor of load from the weight of the soil is the main criterion of reliability and safety in Geotechnics and construction in General. Admitted blunder in SP 20.13330.2011. Heterogeneity of soil character bedding are the main characteristics that fully characterize the company according to the static sounding. The reliability coefficients for the load of its own weight soils significantly underestimated and may not be practically identical with concrete. It is recommended that you increase the value of the coefficient of reliability of load from the weight of the soil, and correct the terminology.

Geotechnics, partial safety factor, analysis, metal, concrete, soil, soil weight, cone penetration, concrete, mistakes in building regulations.

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